Controlo sobre o volume do piano

Graças à tecnologia TransAcoustic, o som produzido ao tocar o piano em modo digital transmite-se pelo próprio tampo acústico e faz o próprio piano funcionar como uma coluna. O som que ouvirá tem as características tonais naturais do tampo harmónico. A vibração do tampo é também transmitida para as cordas do piano e cria uma ressonância natural das cordas da mesma maneira como se tocasse um piano acústico. Este efeito faz com que os sons digitais soem como nunca soaram até agora. Nunca se tinha conseguido um som digital tão natural.

Inclui a função SH Silent Piano

The TransAcoustic™ Piano features Yamaha's renowned SILENT Piano™ SH technology, so practice sessions can also be conducted with headphones. The binaural sampled CFX concert grand piano sample uses a dummy head recording technique to capture the sound from the player's natural listening position. This offers the perfect environment to play without being disturbed or disturbing others. For all SILENT Piano benefits check our SILENT Piano™ web page.

Tocar com acompanhamento

Another way to enjoy TransAcoustic™ technology is to play the piano accompanied by pre-recorded tracks played through the soundboard. Because the instrument is a real, fully strung and resonant piano, the natural sympathetic vibrations of the soundboard, case and more significantly strings add a completely new dimension to performance. The sampled sounds come to life with a brilliant realism no other instrument can match. You can use the USB port to play back .wav-files or use the AUX-IN jack to connect an external music player.

Diferentes sons disponíveis

The TransAcoustic™ piano offers 19 pre-installed sounds, allowing you to select the ideal voice to match your preferred musical genre. With electric pianos, harpsichord, vibraphone, pipe organs, jazz organ, strings, choir, and synth pad, TransAcoustic™ pianos are perfect for performing in jazz bars, hotels, restaurants, churches, and in fact, almost any venue you can imagine. All voices are output through the soundboard, giving these instruments a distinctly natural, resonant sound that makes playing a TransAcoustic piano a truly memorable experience.

Uma projeção espacial do som

Perhaps the most scintillating sounds are generated when you combine the acoustic and digital properties of the instrument - gentle orchestral strings under a natural piano, for example. You can also combine the CFX concert grand piano sample with the piano's own acoustic sound to give it more power and depth.

Um autêntico piano acústico Yamaha

O piano TransAcoustic™ conta com um minucioso sistema de amostras de sons do célebre piano de concerto da Yamaha modelo CFX, o piano mais solicitado pelos grandes pianistas a nível nacional e internacional. Terá o prazer de experimentar o som de um célebre piano de concerto num instrumento muito mais compacto.