Digital Live Sound Mixing with the Comfort and Efficiency of Analog

Disponível nos modelos de 32 e 48 canais a versátil M7CL tem sido o mixer com maior número de aplicações no mundo do show biz. Desde pequenos shows até grandes concertos pelo mundo todo. Nesta versão V3 fizemos questão atender os pedidos dos milhares de usuários deste mixer fantástico para assim torná-lo ainda mais eficiente.


O Mixer digital mais popular do mundo vira superfície de comando!

  • Two EtherSound ports for easy auto-configured connection to SB168-ES(Optional) stage boxes in daisy-chain or ring configuration.
  • A third port (EtherSound) is provided for permanent connection to a computer.
  • 48 mono and 4 stereo inputs (a total of 56 mixing channels), 16 mix buses, LCR bus, 8 matrix channels, and 8 DCAs.
  • 8 assignable omni inputs and outputs, and 3 Mini-YGDAI card slots.
  • Virtual effect and EQ rack: up to 4 simultaneous multi-effect processors; up to 8 simultaneous 31-band graphic EQs.
  • Centralogic interface: central, logical, and intuitive.
  • Dual power modes: use the built in power supply, or add an external PW800W power supply unit for failsafe dual-supply operation.


A mistura do Som ao Vivo Digital com o Conforto e Eficiência do analógico!

  • 48 mono microphone/line inputs, 4 stereo inputs, and 3 Mini-YGDAI card slots (a total of 56 mixing channels).
  • 16 mix buses, LCR bus, 8 matrix channels, and 8 DCAs assignable to 16 omni outputs.
  • Virtual effect and EQ rack: up to 4 simultaneous multi-effect processors; up to 8 simultaneous 31-band graphic EQs.
  • Centralogic interface: central, logical, and intuitive.
  • Dual power modes: use the built in power supply, or add an external PW800W power supply unit for failsafe dual-supply operation.


A versão V3 é uma grande inovação no software da M7CL.

  • 32 mono microphone/line inputs, 4 stereo inputs, and 3 Mini-YGDAI card slots (a total of 40 mixing channels).
  • 16 mix buses, LCR bus, 8 matrix channels, and 8 DCAs assignable to 16 omni outputs.
  • Virtual effect and EQ rack: up to 4 simultaneous multi-effect processors; up to 8 simultaneous 31-band graphic EQs.
  • Centralogic interface: central, logical, and intuitive.
  • Dual power modes: use the built in power supply, or add an external PW800W power supply unit for failsafe dual-supply operation.

As cores e acabamentos apresentados podem variar relativamente ao produto real.