A Yamaha lança documentário "I’m a Hero Program
Medellín, Colômbia ― De 31 de março a 30 de setembro, a Yamaha Corporation levou a cabo a iniciativa “I’m a Hero Program”, destinada a crianças da República da Colômbia (adiante "Colômbia"). Tendo como alvo ajudar as crianças a descobrirem nelas próprias a força necessária para enfrentarem as barreiras invisíveis que existem nas suas vidas, este programa expõe-nas à alegria de tocar um instrumento musical e, também, a outros desafios relevantes.
Medellín, Colômbia ― De 31 de março a 30 de setembro, a Yamaha Corporation levou a cabo a iniciativa “I’m a Hero Program”, destinada a crianças da República da Colômbia (adiante "Colômbia"). Tendo como alvo ajudar as crianças a descobrirem nelas próprias a força necessária para enfrentarem as barreiras invisíveis que existem nas suas vidas, este programa expõe-nas à alegria de tocar um instrumento musical e, também, a outros desafios relevantes.
Após um enorme esforço, 26 crianças das favelas de Medellin, na Colômbia, tocaram o hino nacional colombiano diante de uma enorme multidão, num estádio de futebol, o seu grande palco.
A Yamaha vai lançar um documentário que relata a sua história. Através da sua interação com a música, estas crianças começam a descobrir mudanças nelas mesmas. Trata-se de uma história de pequenos heróis que superaram a adversidade.
Descrição da iniciativa “I’m a HERO Program”
País visado:
Republic of Colombia
Pessoas visadas:
26 meninos e meninas, com idades entre os 7 e os 13 anos, oriundos maioritariamente do programa de bolsas de estudo ToKANDO
Conteúdos proporcionados:
Fornecimento de instrumentos de sopro Venova, apoio à prática em cada organização, disponibilização de um palco de atuação
Duração: *1
- Atuação: Domingo, 30 de setembro. Pontapé de saída às 17:30h
*As crianças tocaram o hino nacional antes do pontapé de saída
- Prática: 31 de março a 29 de setembro
Ocasião da atuação:
12.º jogo da Primeira Liga da Colômbia, Atlético Nacional contra Boyacá Chicó
Atuação: a tocar o hino nacional antes do pontapé de saída
Local da atuação: *2
Estádio Atanasio Girardo
*1: Ambos hora local.
*2: Estádio Polivalente em Medellín, Colômbia.
“I’m a HERO Program” - Com um instrumento nas mãos, tornas-te um herói
Throughout the world, children face invisible barriers that limit their futures—inequality and poverty, as well as the discrimination, prejudice and other disadvantages that these problems cause. A movement to counter these social problems with the power of music is underway in Latin America, and the Latin American Youth Orchestra and Band is a part of that movement.
The youth orchestra has its beginnings in a government-backed music education project called El Sistema, which was first introduced in Venezuela. Implemented as a national strategy to prevent delinquency and eradicate poverty, El Sistema aims to promote society-wide stability by engaging children in musical activities and securing future employment opportunities for them. Yamaha supports these efforts, and for the last 15 years has contributed by promulgating instrument maintenance techniques and training instrument repair technicians.
In Colombia, youth orchestras and bands were launched in Medellín (Red de Escuelas de Música de Medellín) and Bogotá (Fundación Nacional Batuta), for example. Yamaha also played a hand in the creation of a scholarship program called ToKANDO, which is run by Fundación Incolmotos Yamaha, a major partner of ours in Latin America.
New challenges have also appeared. One major problem is a lack of awareness of the importance of and methods used for instrument maintenance, exacerbated by the fact that there are few people who are able to repair broken instruments. To address this problem, we launched the AMIGO Project in 2014, offering workshops to enable people to maintain instruments on their own, and promoting the training of technicians who can repair broken instruments.
Locais em Medellín, na Colômbia, onde residem algumas das crianças deste programa
Taking the field with football heroes, instruments in hand
Our work on these projects drove our decision to launch the I'm a HERO Program in Colombia. This year is also the auspicious 110th year of amicable relations between Japan and Colombia.
Under this program, 26 children from the Red de Escuelas de Música de Medellín and ToKANDO initiatives will be invited to perform on the big stage with the Venova, a new wind instrument.
These children have no prior experience with wind instruments other than the recorder, so in preparation for this event they have spent about six months learning to play the new Venova under their respective instructors. On Sunday, September 30, they will join the players of Colombian football club Atlético Nacional as they take the field for a “Categoría Primera A” match in the Colombian Premier Football League. The children will perform the national anthem in front of a large crowd with the accompaniment of Banda Sinfónica de Copacabana a Colombian youth band.
Football is extremely popular in Colombia, a football powerhouse that competed in the World Cup in June. Children are particularly awestruck by the players of Atlético Nacional, a famous Medellín-based club that has won the Colombian national league championship 16 times, including last year.
Through music and their own efforts, these children will overcome invisible barriers to take their place on the big stage, becoming heroes on the day of the big match.
Venova™: A new wind instrument that is sturdy and easy to maintain
The Venova delivers a sound that is very similar to the saxophone, without the complicated structure and the multitude of parts. In contrast, the branched-pipe structure and shorter body thanks to the sinuous shape make the Venova a compact instrument with only as many keys as needed. It is made of lightweight, sturdy and washable ABS plastic, so it can be taken anywhere with ease. While the fingering is as easy to learn as that of a recorder, the Venova is a genuine reed instrument that delivers the feel of a conventional wind instrument.
*Venova is a trademark or a registered trademark of Yamaha Corporation.
*Other product names, company names, etc. in the text are trademarks or registered trademarks of Yamaha or the respective companies.